8/4" (1-13/16") Hard Maple - Dimensional Lumber
8/4" Hard Maple Dimensioned Wood
Our dimensioned hard maple (acer saccharum) is sourced from the best growing regions in the Middle Atlantic and Lake States around the Great Lakes. The trees that are logged are often called “pencil-heart” maple due to their extremely high sap to heart ratio. Our lumber is appropriately called “white hard maple” because of how bright the sapwood is.
Hard maple is well known for its hardness, density and its resistance to wear and abrasion. It also offers a very bright color which makes it desirable for applications that require high contrast such as bowling alleys and dance hall or gymnasium flooring. Its hardness and appearance also makes it an ideal material from projects ranging from musical instruments to toys and even butcher blocks and cutting boards.
To learn more about our proprietary grades, check out our custom grading rules that are always a notch (or two) above the competition.
Product Features
8/4" Dimensional North American Hard Maple Thick Stock
Flattened and surfaced to 1-13/16" thickness (See tolerance chart)
- Unlike typical S4S Lumber, our dimensional has been jointed and surfaced planed to flatness.
- Lumber is carefully stress relieved in dry-kilns and free of internal stress.
- No. 1 & 2 white Hard Maple
- High sap to heartwood ratio.
- Great for furniture, tables, floating shelves, and other interior applications.
Working with Hard Maple Lumber
Hard maple generally has characteristics of straight grain, occasionally curly or wavy. The texture is fine. It is considered a moderately difficult specie to work with. It has good bending properties. You may need to sharpen your cutting tools a bit more often. It accepts finishing well.
We suggest that you always wear a protective mask as the dust may be harmful to your health.